
  • I am a relational psychodynamic therapist. I work with adults and teens.

  • At different times, I offer groups around topics such as:

    • Engaging the Feminine

    • Mother Wounding

    • Grief Circles

    • Marriage Enrichment

  • Holistic Pelvic Care™️ (HPC) is an integrative practice that supports women’s health, vitality, and healing. This approach was pioneered and developed by Tami Lynn Kent MSPT who found that trauma, stress, energy loads, and birthing have significant effects on the pelvic floor. When this occurs in a woman’s life it can cut a woman’s access from our root and therefore block us from the wisdom and creativity found here. The primary goal of HPC is to empower women to inhabit the pelvic bowl, clear away old trauma and negative patterns and allow her to take up her rightful space physically, emotionally, and spiritually. HPC helps a client tune into her pelvic space to find power, healing, and release.

    I work with you to listen to what you are holding in your body and in your pelvic bowl. Moving towards releasing the blocks that no longer serve you and creating more space to hear your inner wisdom.